A new installation by Chiharu Shiota

2F 中央吹き抜け アートインスタレーション


Six Boats, a new installation by Chiharu Shiota, will be on display in the central atrium of GINZA SIX starting February 27, 2019.

Photo: Ken Kato

Six Boats is an installation of six five-meter-long boats held aloft in the central atrium space. Shiota has occasionally used boats as a motif in her works. As vessels moving forward, representing both the motion of time and the movement of people and objects, they resonate with Shiota’s preoccupations: “What does it mean to exist? What does it mean to be alive? What are we seeking? Where are we going?” This work depicts six boats setting sail on Ginza’s “sea of memories,” navigating postwar difficulties toward recovery. Each boat differs in height and orientation, leaving visitors free to enjoy a journey of the imagination into another dimension as they view hidden aspects from the different floors of GINZA SIX.

Photo: Ken Kato

Made of streel frames, felt, and rope, the six boats are suspended by countless white threads stretched all across the space. Viewers can enjoy the aspects of the installation that change with the height and perspective of specific vantage points. In a distillation of Japan’s modern history, the work depicts boats setting sail across a sea of memories, seeking to overcome challenges and achieve continuing progress in Ginza.

Title: Six Boats
Size: 14 × 8.5m
Location: central atrium
Exhibition dates: Wednesday, February 27, to Thursday, October 31 (tentative)

Message from the artist

Photo: Sunhi Mang

Boats not only carry people and items, but also time. They are linked to the themes of my works: “What is existence? What does it mean to be alive? What are we seeking? Where are we going?” Ihave used boats in recent years to embody the idea that each is moving forward on its own course. Ginza tells the stories of many people, in various memories. Ginza may symbolize the history of Japan: how it survived numerous challenges to achieve recovery, again and again, from earthquakes to air raids. Around 25 years ago, looking at the works in a Ginza art gallery, I put my own portfolio in my bag and walked around Ginza until I was exhausted. I hoped somehow to stage an individual exhibition of my art here. Ginza is where I first realized how high the barriers are to creating and presenting one’s own works as an artist. I’m glad to have this opportunity to exhibit my work here in the GINZA SIX.


Born 1972 in Osaka Prefecture, currently based in Berlin. In 2008, Shiota received the Art Encouragement Prize from the Japanese Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. In addition to solo exhibitions held across the world including Art Gallery of South Australia (2018), Yorkshire Sculpture Park (2018), Smithsonian Institution Arthur M. Sackler Gallery (2014), the Museum of Art, Kochi (2013), MIMOCA Marugame Genichiro-Inokuma Museum of Contemporary Art (2012), and the National Museum of Art, Osaka (2008), she has participated in numerous international exhibitions such as the Biennale of Sydney (2016), the Kiev Biennale (2012), and the Yokohama Triennale (2001). In 2015, she represented Japan at the 56th Venice Biennale International Art Exhibition. Plans to hold her largest individual exhibition ever at the Mori Art Museum in June 2019.

2F 中央吹き抜け アートインスタレーション

開催期間: 2019.02.27- 2019.10.27


2019.01.24 UP