《 Prismatic Cloud 》 Tokujin Yoshioka


The work of artist Tokujin Yoshioka spans the fields of art, design, and architecture. Giving form to natural energies perceived by human beings and expressing the sensations arising from such perception by original methods, his magnificent lyrical works on natural themes have won worldwide acclaim. Prismatic Cloud, the work installed in the central atrium space at GINZA SIX, goes beyond sensation. The enormous sculpture of light inspired by the principles of nature layers some 10,000 prismatic rods in an approximately 400 square-meter space to create transparent layers through which light penetrates. This cloud-like sculpture of light awakens us to the perception of natural energy.

Tokujin Yoshioka
Artist. Born in 1967. Studied design under Shiro Kuramata and Issey Miyake; established Tokujin Yoshioka Inc. in 2000. Active in the fields of design, architecture, and contemporary art; his lyrical installations have earned him international acclaim. Major works include Water Block, on permanent display at Musée d’Orsay; Rainbow Church, an architectural work made of crystal prisms; VENUS, a crystal chair; KOU-AN, a glass tea house; and the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Torch. His works are in the permanent collections of The Museum of Modern Art, New York, Musée National d’Art Moderne in Paris, and other major museums around the world. Recipient of Mainichi Design Award, Minister of Education’s Art Encouragement Prize for New Artists, Design Miami – Designer of the Year, Milano Design Award – Winner, and numerous other international awards. Named one of Newsweek magazine’s 100 Most Respected Japanese in the World.

《Prismatic Cloud》Special light up

The art installation “Prismatic Cloud” by Tokujin Yoshioka, which is on display in the central atrium, will be lit up for a limited time. You can enjoy the gorgeousness of the holiday season by creating a huge light sculpture with moving lights.
Date: November 9, 2020 (Monday) -February 23, 2021 (Tuesday / Holiday)
Location: 2F Central atrium

▶︎ Experience “Prismatic Cloud” in 360 degree 3D-VR!

You can enjoy a part of “Prismatic Cloud” in the overwhelming atrium space with 360 degree 3D-VR. Please experience the difference between a realistic work and an onlineviewing.
Click here for details

Major Works

Tokyo 2020 Olympic Torch | 2019
©Tokyo 2020

Glass Tea House - KOU-AN | 2011 -
The National Art Center, Tokyo

Rainbow Church | 2010, 2013
The Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo

Snow | 2010
Mori Art Museum