刷毛じょうゆ 海苔弁山登り ハケジョウユ ノリベンヤマノボリ
There’s something special about our nori (seaweed) bento box lunches that make them a hit with just about everyone.
Containing the finest ingredients we can find, our nori bento boxes play a central role in the bento world.
Chilled, yet warm: in a nutshell, this represents the warmth and spirit of bento’s forgotten creators.
Recalling Japan’s age-old bento culture, Noriben Yamanobori hopes to recreate such a presence. Seeking to provide “the best that your mother made,” our staff prepare meals with painstaking care at the store and deliver them direct to our customers.
In addition to three varieties of nori bento that allow diners to savor the bounty of the sea, the mountains, or the fields, we plan to offer nori bento boxes based on seasonal ingredients.
- フロア
- カテゴリー
- 弁当
- 営業時間
- 10:30 - 20:30
- ポイントプログラム
- 対象
- 駐車場サービス
- 対象
- 免税サービス
- 無
- 電話番号
- 03-6263-9980
- ウェブサイト
- https://noriben-yamanobori.co.jp/
- Instagram : @noribenyamanobori