Leica Store ライカ


GINZA SIXが掲げる「最高に満たされた暮らし」のコンセプトに合わせ、カメラ・双眼鏡製品に加え、アクセサリー類も豊富にラインアップいたします。また、写真展をはじめ様々なイベントやセミナーを開催し、写真を総合的に楽しめる空間を提供します。

Leica is a famous German brand backed by traditional craftsmanship and optical technology cultivated over a history that spans 160 years. While passing down traditions, Leica continues to innovate and tirelessly pursue the ultimate in quality in the creation of exquisite products.

In line with the GINZA SIX concept of providing ‘Life At Its Best - the most satisfying way of living’, a wealth of products is available including cameras, binoculars, and accessories. A variety of seminars and events are also planned to help you further enjoy the rich world of photography.
