『The Nut Christmas Song』
Show Window
世界中の劇場でクリスマスシーズンに上演される、イブの夜を舞台にしたバレエ作品『くるみ割り人形』、ナット・キング・コールの『The Christmas Song』は、冒頭の歌詞から時に『Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire(チェスナッツ・ロースティング・オン・アン・オープン・ファイア)』と題されるスタンダードナンバー、それらクリスマスの音楽を想起するフード、「くるみ」をモチーフにしました。
今年は未だ制約の中にあり、これまで紡いできたクリスマスとの繋がりも人それぞれという時代ですが、このウィンドウを通して皆様にMerry Christmas.
アートディレクター 佐藤寧子
The motifs for this season’s window displays are based on The Nutcracker, the ballet set on Christmas Eve night and performed during the Christmas season in theaters throughout the world; “The Christmas Song” by Nat King Cole, a holiday standard that opens with the lyrics “Chestnuts roasting on an open fire…”; and walnuts, a food that brings to mind these songs and music of Christmas.
The southside window gathers together traditional German nutcracker dolls from the reuse market, in which only the basic wooden parts are kept and painted. The dolls are lined up as if in a church choir, and each one has its own personality and distinctive sound when its wooden mouth parts clap up and down.
The northside window features a rotating nut-themed Christmas tree with angel chime, and a walnut mallet that strikes glockenspiel keys around its base, creating a delicate, dreamlike melody.
This year we are still in a period of constraint, and each of us has a different connection with Christmas, but through these windows we would like to express, to everyone, our heartfelt wishes for a very Merry Christmas.
Yasuko Sato, Art Director
開催期間: 2021.11.08- 2021.12.25
2021.11.11 UP