各ジャンルに精通する個性豊かなエディターたちが、GINZA SIXをぶらぶらと
ライフスタイルとしてのファッションが きちんと編集されているんですよね Thoughtful Arrangements of Fashion as Lifestyle
行方 淳
GINZA SIX EDITORS Vol.3(Men’s Fashion)
以前、とあるテレビ番組で脳科学者の方が『美味しいものを食べたときと素敵なデザインに触れたとき、喜ぶ(反応する)脳は同じ部分なんです』と言っているのを見たことがあります。「意外」という気持ちがあった反面、「なるほど」と合点が行く部分もあり…。食もファッションも等しくライフスタイルを充実させるものなんだなあと改めて実感しつつ、だったらある意味グルメ的な目線でファッションを楽しんでみるのも新鮮だなと思ったり。その点ここGINZA SIXはかなりの“食通”をも唸らせるラインナップ。バリエーション広く揃っているだけでなく、豊かなライフスタイルを演出するために必要なブランドをきちんと厳選している。別にファッションに詳しくなくたって、ここをぐるりと回ればそれだけでOK。お膳立ても完璧です。
続いては3階にある3.1 フィリップ リム。ニューヨークコレクションにも参加するブランドです。いわゆるモードブランドに位置づけされますが、ファッションコンシャスでありながらその表現の仕方にリアリティが感じられるところが個人的に好きなところ。冒頭でグルメの話をしましたが、フランスでもイタリアでもなくニューヨーク的だといえば、そのニュアンスが伝わるでしょうか。
写真上はスウェット生地の半袖トップスで袖が少し長いのが特徴。スタイリッシュなバランスを演出してくれます。写真下はベルテッドのホワイトジーンズ。ワタリはワイドですが裾はすっきりテーパード。はくとわかるのですが、このシルエットがいい。スタイルも良く見えます。総じて言えるのは、個性がしっかりありながらもコーディネートがとてもしやすいということ。手持ちのジーンズやチノパン、Tシャツなどにもすんなり合わせやすくて、一点取り入れるだけで洒落感が演出できる。僕自身、コーディネートはシンプルなものが好きですがただ無難なだけではつまらない。3.1 フィリップ リムの服はとても頼りになります。
そして最後に紹介したいのが、5階にあるスノーピーク モバイル。ファッションとは一線を画しますが、ぜひ紹介したいお店です。スノーピークというとテントやギアなどを展開するアウトドアブランドというイメージだと思いますが、それだけじゃない。自然と人、人と人をつなぎ、アウトドアを通じてライフバリューを創り出すというコンセプトを持ったブランドなのです。
建築家 隈研吾氏とコラボレーションしてできたモバイルハウス『住箱-JYUBAKO-』(写真上)を軸とした世界初のコンセプトストア。僕もキャンプは好きな方で、実用性の高いアウトドア用品を日常的に使うこともしばしば。なので、この提案には非常に共感が持てますし、何よりスノーピークの提案は洗練されていて時代感がある。アウトドア好きじゃなくてもぜひのぞいてみてほしいショップです。
Text:Jun Namekata [The VOICE] Photos:Yuichi Sugita Edit:Yuka Okada
I was watching a television program in which a neuroscientist said that the same part of your brain reacts to feeling delight when you eat delicious food or touch good design. I found that unexpected—at the same time, it made a lot of sense. It renewed my appreciation for the fact that both food and fashion equally enhance your life. If that’s the case, I think a fresh take on fashion would be to approach it from a gourmet standpoint. In this sense, GINZA SIX has a lineup certain to wow any food connoisseur. The variety is extensive, but it’s not just that: There’s a thoughtful selection of the brands you need to orchestrate an enriched lifestyle. Even if you don’t really know fashion, it helps just to come in and walk around. And the settings are wonderful.
Let’s start at Barbour on the fifth floor. With all the great stores here, it’s hard for me to choose. But this fall and winter, the trend is classic English style (which means a hint of the distinguished gentleman). This brand’s been popular forever, but it’s worth yet another look.
A long time ago, Barbour produced durable, waterproof clothing made of waxed fabrics for fishermen and other laborers working in the harsh conditions of the North Sea. Tough, practical, but with a gentlemanly charm is the distinct characteristic of this English brand. That’s a striking contrast to American outdoor brands.
Some of you may not necessarily like the feel of waxed fabrics. But these fabrics have evolved, and they’re less sticky and odorous than you might remember. In addition, Barbour offers outerwear made of nonwaxed fabrics as well. The store here features the full lineup of products, including an extensive selection of nonwaxed products like shirts and quilted jackets.
The store also has items like this. Maybe coordinating something for you and your dog would be fun. Camping and other outdoor activities have been popular lately, and Barbour products are perfect no matter what you’re doing. It’s a store that meets the needs of your overall lifestyle.
Next, on the third floor, I go to 3.1 Phillip Lim, a brand that participates in New York Fashion Week. It’s generally considered a high-fashion brand. My personal take is that, while it’s fashion-conscious, the mode of expression is grounded in reality. I mentioned above the connection to fine food; you sense from this brand a New York flavor, rather than, say, France or Italy.
The upper photo shows a short-sleeved top made of sweatshirt fabric but with slightly longer sleeves. It strikes a very stylish balance. The lower photo highlights a pair of belted white jeans. They’re wide in the thighs, but with a nicely tapered hem. When you put them on, then you can really tell: the lines are great. The effect is very stylish. Overall, the brand offers a great deal of personality, but it’s also very easy to coordinate. It’s simple to coordinate these items with stuff you already have: jeans, chinos, T-shirts, and so on. Adding even a single item assures a good style. I personally like to coordinate somewhat simply; the difficulty itself to me is that I don’t like it to be bland and innocuous. The clothes at 3.1 Phillip Lim are very dependable in this regard.
The store also incorporates another interesting concept to help revitalize traditional Japanese craftsmanship. It currently has on display a project with Nakagawa Mokkogei, a cooper that long served Kyoto’s old established restaurants and inns. Here, you find tables, spoons, dishware, and more, based on oke (wooden bucket or tub). The products that deftly incorporate Japanese traditional elements are also quite interesting. The projects change at random intervals. I’ve heard that more than a few people look forward to what’s next.
Lastly, let’s take a look at Snow Peak Mobile on the fifth floor. This isn’t fashion, but I really want to tell you about this store. You probably know Snow Peak as an outdoor brand with tents, camping gear, and other such products—but there’s more. The brand concept is to connect people to nature and to one another, to create life value through the outdoors.
It’s the world’s first store centered on the Jyubako (“living box”) mobile home, created in collaboration with architect Kengo Kuma. I’m someone who likes camping, and I’m always using the brand’s highly functional outdoor products. So, I’m very excited about this concept. Above all, Snow Peak products are sophisticated and contemporary. Even if you’re not a fan of the outdoors in general, this is a store you’ll definitely want to check out.
The stores at GINZA SIX are typically arranged around specific purposes. But if you just walk around, you’re bound to make inspiring discoveries that suggest what you might want to add to your own life. I’m sure I’m not alone in feeling positive motivation for further enriching how I live after walking around the complex.
Author: Jun Namekata (The VOICE) Photographer: Yuichi Sugita Editor: Yuka Okada

行方 淳