各ジャンルに精通する個性豊かなエディターたちが、GINZA SIXをぶらぶらと
多様性ミックスで「自分ファースト」の装いに A Diverse Mix for Personal Fashions Firsts
宮田 理江
様々な国やテイストのブランドが集められた「GINZA SIX」の空間は、どこか海外にいるような気持ちにもさせてくれます。時代や地域を越えてテイストミックスする装いがこれからはもっと広がりそうななか、世界のあちこちを巡るような気分で、個性的なファッションショップをぶらりと訪ねてみました。
少しヴィンテージ感の漂う色合いが素敵なスカート(53,000円 ※以下全て税抜価格)に目が留まりました。リーフ柄のプリーツに、レースがドッキング。プリーツのきちんと見えと、レースのフェミニン感が交差する重層的な仕上げ。
続いてお邪魔したのは3F、アートとエフォートレスが融合した、北欧生まれの重宝服で、コペンハーゲン発のブランド「BY MALENE BIRGER(バイ マレーネ ビルガー)」。北欧ブランドならではのアートセンスや色使いに魅力があります。エフォートレスでボヘミアンな雰囲気も私好みです。
2019年春夏シーズンは自由な女性像をイメージしてレディフェイス(女性の顔)をモチーフにしたコレクションを発表。強さとしなやかさを秘めた女性を思わせます。楽しげに踊る女性たちをプリントした「Dancing Girls」柄はシンプルなのに動きがあって、グッドセンスを感じさせます。
バニティバッグ(22,200円)も持ってみました。こちらは中にポーチも付いています。バッグにも定評のあるブランドで、中東ムードを薫らせたアイコンバッグ「アラビックフラワー」でおなじみ。GINZA SIX店ではバッグのほかに、ウォレットやポーチの品ぞろえも充実しています。
最後に訪ねたのはやはり3F、フランス発のヘアアクセサリーブランドで装いを上品プレイフルに格上げしてくれる「ALEXANDRE DE PARIS(アレクサンドル ドゥ パリ)」。最近は、海外でのおしゃれスナップでヘアアクセがトレンドになっていて、私も興味津々。あちこち目移りしていたら、ショップスタッフさんがいろいろと教えてくれました。
「アレクサンドル ドゥ パリ」のカチューシャは、付け心地がやわらかくて驚きました。付けているうちに頭の形に合うよう、サイズが広がっていくからだと聞きました。カチューシャを外した後は、付属のストッパーで留めておくと、一晩で元の大きさに戻るそうです。
Text:Rie Miyata Photos:Kanako Noguchi Edit:Yuka Okada
GINZA SIX has so many brands from different countries catering to so many different tastes; I always feel like I’m somewhere overseas when I stop by. Fashion has lately moved to looks that mix and match tastes, transcending era and region—so, feeling like someone on a tour of the world, I wandered here and there to several unique boutiques.
First, I head to the fourth floor. Adore has many fans among adult women who prefer its wear-every-day fashion for women that combines the beautiful and the proper. I have several of their pieces in my wardrobe; it’s one of my favorite brands. Most of the items are remarkably versatile—they suit every occasion. The clothes are comfortable and unconstricting. The patterns are beautiful, even more so when they’re worn. The fabrics are sturdy, without overly accentuating body lines. It’s all very appealing.
With its somewhat vintage colors, this wonderful pleated skirt (53,000 yen; all prices listed before tax), catches my eye. A leafy print with lace docking. The pleat looks proper, and an intersection of multiple layers of lace adds a feminine finish.
This new one is for pre-autumn season. Pre-autumn items that can be worn from the start of summer tend to incorporate fall trends early, an appealing plus for fashion lovers. I can see wearing this with sandals for a breezy, mid-summer look. For fall and winter, I see a bohemian look, perhaps with boots and a loose-fitting knit.
You can feel the sturdy Adore quality with this item as well. Incorporating fabric from Silk & Co. of Italy, a stiffer fabric that neither clings nor hangs apart from your body, this dress (72,000 yen) makes an impression, especially its dramatic floral pattern, which looks like modern art.
The clincher is the ruffle on the sleeves. Trendy sleeve awareness will continue to have its moment beyond fall and winter. These sleeves make your arms look slender. It’s a dress carefully calculated to inspire happiness.
I like vests. This dress, which I’ve just encountered (73,000 yen), can be worn like one. (In passing, the dress comes with a belt made from the same fabric.) At times when you’re not quite satisfied with your look, simply donning a vest can make a world of difference. Vests are also a good way to expand your outfit options with the clothes you already have.
I tried it on over the Monotone Big Flower Print skirt from above. When fall comes, layering it on articles like a bowtie blouse or turtleneck will do. I’d want to coordinate with denim pants or mini-bottoms, too.
Next I go to By Malene Birger on the third floor, a Copenhagen brand that features a trademark Scandinavian practicality combining both art and effortlessness. It offers the artistic sensibility and color combinations typical of a Scandinavian brand. I love the effortless bohemian air.
Lady Face, an image of the free woman, is the motif of the brand’s 2019 spring/summer collection. For me, it brings to mind the idea of a woman with hidden reserves of strength and grace. The fun Dancing Girls print is simple but dynamic. The brand’s good sense is evident.
Here’s a scarf (12,000 yen) for scarf-lovers like me, with the Lady Face print. A scarf, of course goes around the neck, but can you also wear it at your waist, like this, like a piece of clothing? What do you think? Around your neck, over your head, around a bag—the rules for scarves aren’t set in stone. Today, I’m in the mood to have some fun with new ideas.
Trench coats are fairly standard, but this one (79,000 yen) creates a rounded, cocoon-like silhouette with a gentler feel, softening the generally mannish quality of the typical trench coat. I grab it instinctively and try it on. I’m surprised how light it is.
Here I’m also holding a vanity bag (22,200 yen) with a pouch inside. This brand is also known for its vanity bags. You may be familiar with its iconic Arabic Flower bag with its Middle Eastern feel. The brand’s GINZA SIX boutique features not just bags, but a wealth of wallets and pouches.
I try on this mesh-lace long skirt (21,600 yen). The vivid yellow has a positive vibe. I emerge from the changing room, in a spirited carefree mood somehow, and cannot help but spin round and round. The asymmetry is elegant. The cut-and-sew fabric creates a carefree look.
Folded, it packs down to nothing, making it easy to carry around. It leaves a gorgeous impression. It’d work great on trips when being photogenic is key.
Staying on the third floor, I wander next to Milan-based Blumarine, which features all the romance and brilliance needed to stir a woman’s heart. Supervised by the designer Anna Molinari, the boutique’s interior design features an original chandelier, marbled tables, and more to make your heart go pitter-patter.
At Milan Fashion Week for spring/summer 2019, I researched an article on Blumarine. So, full of expectation and excitement, I step into the shop. How would all the clothes I saw at the show look in the store? As it turns out, the entire collection is here, which adds to my excitement.
This pullover blouse with balloon sleeves (125,000 yen) is peak romance. An elegant silhouette pairs perfectly with an enchanting floral pattern to swell any woman’s sense of style. The color-rich motif, as if covered with flower bouquets, brightens anyone’s countenance.
The brand is also loved for its details, lace, frills, embroidery, and gemstones, the kind that accentuates an adult woman’s femininity. The glittering gemstone motifs as in the photo are applied with incredible skill.
I deeply admire the craftsmanship for which Italy is known. There’s a nostalgic air somewhere, too, that gives a timeless atmosphere to your look.
Yes, this is the one, the all-in-one (420,000 yen) I saw on the runway. The beautiful lavender harmonizes wondrously with the delicate lace. It has been on my mind since I saw it at the show. On the runway, it was actually layered over cycling pants, a novel style greeted with attention worldwide as an emerging hot trend.
This all-in-one, according to the shop staff, is also wonderful when worn like a dress. An all-in-one, it has a cooler, more modern feel than a long dress. It would look good, too, I think, with a rider’s jacket or denim jacket.
I remain on the third floor for my final stop: Alexandre de Paris, a France-based accessory brand that gives your look a refined and playful boost. I’m also really interested in hair accessories, which are currently trending in style snapshots overseas. As my gaze drifts from one to the next, the shop staff gives me a rundown.
As one example, I fix my hair in the back with a hair band and pin on a camellia hair pin. I attach the pin right over the band. Suddenly, I see the light! Attaching your hair accessories above the band as in the photo makes them stand out and flatters the shape of your head.
I tried some of the ones I liked—clockwise from the top, the square (17,000 yen), the drop (15,000 yen), the straight line (20,000 yen), and the circle (17,000 yen)—in the style of an overseas style snapshot. Just as it’s perfectly acceptable to wear a number of necklaces or rings at the same time, hair accessories work well in numbers.
Made with care by hand and exuding distinctiveness, the accessories manifest both the playfulness and glamour of adult women. Wearing several together makes it easy to create an atmosphere and look both playful and luxurious.
This katyusha headband (26,000 yen) can be used with a lux look without looking at all childish. Put a round hair pin (10,000 yen) of the same color next to it, and you have a dynamic combo. The colors go perfectly with the vintage earrings I bought in Milan and wore today. I want to wear them all home!
I’m surprised how softly and comfortably the Alexandre de Paris’ katyusha feels on my head. When worn for any time, I’m told, it expands to better fit the shape of your head. Use the attached stopper after taking off the katyusha to return to its original size overnight.
The flower motif ball pins (5,500 yen) are perfect for adding grace notes of style to your look. They also make great gifts. There are so many items here, more than I can show you, and I’ve gained some fashion insights from seeing them all. I plan to have more fun making freer use of hair accessories.
Fashion’s more rewarding if you approach what you like or what suits you with a sense that you’re free to have fun. Going around to see these worldwide brands, I come away wanting to stretch my imagination, to create my own fashion firsts.
Text:Rie Miyata Photos:Kanako Noguchi Edit:Yuka Okada

宮田 理江