各ジャンルに精通する個性豊かなエディターたちが、GINZA SIXをぶらぶらと
一着でキマる“攻め”服を求めて Dynamic Fashion: Finding That One Special Stand-Alone Item
福原 咲子
重ねて、重ねてのレイヤード流行が続く昨今ですが、春は主役服一着でハッピーになりたい。そんな気分を叶えてくれる、個性豊かな服を求めて、いざGINZA SIXへ。春はもう目の前。“引き算”のコーディネートでも、可愛く、華やかに、“攻め”のファッションを楽しんでいきたいです。
マカロンカラーに彩られたカレン ウォーカーのショップは、ブランドの世界観が堪能できる日本発の旗艦店。ハッピーな色使いにドリーミーなテキスタイル、そしてメリハリのある華やかなシルエットが、このブランドの魅力。“ユルくない”理想の一着を見つけるには、まさに打ってつけのショップです。店内のコーラルピンクは、カレン ウォーカーのテーマカラー。本国ニュージーランドのショップでは、この色のペンキも販売されているとか。そんなちょっとした遊び心にも、カレン ウォーカーのフィロソフィーが感じられます。
毎シーズン発表されるサングラスコレクションは、カレン ウォーカーの人気アイテム。GINZA SIX店では、70種類以上のサングラスが一堂に揃います。デイリー仕様のシンプルなものから、アクセサリーとして取り入れたいポップなものまで、かけるだけで気分が上がるデザインばかり。私が試したクリアブルーのフレームはケイティ・ペリー着用のアイテム。大ぶりのサングラスで、顔まわりにもプレイフルな息吹を取り入れたい!
春夏のコレクションテーマは“Eat Cake”。マリー・アントワネットのフェミニンスタイルがストリートに昇華され、日常的に着こなせるガーリールックが揃います。私が気になったのは、スウェット×ヴィヴィッドオレンジの組み合わせが新鮮なワンピース。ハリ感のある素材のスカートは着てみるとボリューム満点!大人でも着られる上品なプリンセスシルエットが叶います。裾がゆるやかに広がったデニムジャケットとも相性抜群です。
カレン ウォーカーのすぐ横には、ヴィヴィアン・ウエストウッドのショップが独自の存在感を放ちます。実は言うほどヴィヴィアンの服は持っていないのですが、30代半ばの今だからこそ、自然体で着こなせる気がしています。ショーウインドウに飾られた赤いドレスのように、独創的なだけではない、体を包み込むような美しいシルエットにも目を奪われます。いつでも変わらないヴィヴィアンスピリットを身に纏い、いつもよりちょっと冒険してみたい気分です。
「エシカル ファッション イニティアティブ」とのコラボレーションバッグ。アフリカのナイロビの職人との共同作業で作られた商品は、過去のコレクションのマテリアルが一部再利用されているそう。各所にヴィヴィアンスピリットが感じられるこのアイテム。ヴィヴィアン&アンドレアスの頭文字が配されたロゴアップリケもキュート。
3月14日までの限定で販売されているda rosaとのコラボレーション商品も店内に。貴腐ワインにつけ込んだレーズンが香る“ソーテルヌ”(レーズンチョコ)や、ぴりっと辛い“ピモンド”(アーモンドチョコ)が販売中。お酒ともマッチするチョコレートは、甘いものが得意でない私にもぴったり。
しっかりエネルギーチャージして、とっておきの一着で装う。着るべき服と着たい服の狭間で、コーディネートに悩みがちな30代。日々のやる気をかき立ててくれる攻め服で、思いっきりファッションを楽しみたい。GINZA SIXでのショッピングは、そんな気持ちを思い出させてくれました。
Text : Sakiko Fukuhara Photo : Kanako Noguchi Edit : Yuka Okada
Layer, layer, layer—the trend marches on. In spring, however, I’d like to be happy with a single item in a lead role. So I’m heading straight to GINZA SIX for something unique, something to quench this desire. Spring is upon us. That means it’s time for a more dynamic brand of fashion, an appealing brand of fashion that draws from a colorful palette—even if this means coordinating by subtraction!
The macaroon-hued Karen Walker boutique, the brand’s first flagship store in Japan, gives a good sense of the brand’s values. The brand’s appeal lies in dreamy textiles, exuberant colors, and lively, glamorous silhouettes. It’s the perfect boutique for finding an ideal, sharp outfit. The coral-pink color inside is Karen Walker’s theme color. In the brand’s home country of New Zealand, stores actually sell paint of precisely this color. This little bit of whimsy, it seems to me, reflects the basic Karen Walker philosophy.
The brand releases a sunglasses collection each season. They’re among Karen Walker’s most popular items. The GINZA SIX boutique offers over 70 types of glasses, all in stock. From simple designs for daily use to pop models that work as accessories—all the designs are exciting to try on. The glasses with the clear blue frames I’m trying on here are worn by Katy Perry. A pair of larger sunglasses can add a playful aura to your look.
Accessories make the perfect gift, and the delicate designs confer a girlish feel. The animal motif rings and earrings are intricately designed to avoid a sense of childishness, which is great. I’m drawn by their nonchalance. They’re perfect for topping off your look any time you feel something’s missing.
“Eat Cake” is the theme of the brand’s spring/summer collection. The feminine style of Marie Antoinette is translated into the language of the street for a range of girly looks suitable for any day of the week. I’m especially drawn to a dress that features a fresh combination of sweats fabric and vivid orange. The skirt fabric is taut; it makes the pleated skirt voluminous enough to produce a refined, princess-like silhouette that’s perfectly wearable for adults. And it goes especially well with this slightly flared denim jacket and its billowing hem.
Right next to Karen Walker is Vivienne Westwood, which has a unique presence of its own. I don’t actually own as much Vivienne Westwood clothing as people think, but now, in my mid-30s, I feel I’m in a place in life where it’s natural to wear. The red dress in the show window, for example, catches my eye, not just for its originality, but for its striking silhouette, which all but envelopes the body. I want to invest myself into the never-changing Vivienne spirit and to be a little more adventurous than usual.
Alongside its Rocking Horse and Pirate, the Bondage Boots I’m wearing are widely known. They’re one of the brand’s renowned shoe styles. Putting them on is a challenge [laughing], but as the name suggests, there’s a sense of being tied in. They help you straighten your back. I’d want to match them with a long skirt that falls almost to the ground and let the symbolic toe design peek through.
This bag, a collaboration with Ethical Fashion Initiative and produced as part of a joint venture with craftspeople in Nairobi, Kenya, incorporates materials from past collections. The entirety of the article radiates the Vivienne spirit. The logo appliqué monogrammed A&V—for Andreas and Vivienne—is an appealing touch.
You wouldn’t want to miss the collaboration with Melissa, a Brazilian shoe brand. The brand is popular for its affordability and kitsch designs incorporating PVC as a material. In the past, I’ve loved wearing the brand’s collaboration with Anglomania and its arrangement of large heart shapes. The cutesy, toy-like appearance and the fruity aroma the brand applies to eliminate the rubber odor can be addictive.
This Armour Ring is the ring everyone wanted when we were young, designed like armor for your finger joint. Its visual impact still strikes me when I try it on. The triple-strand version features good volume for adult use. I tend not to wear accessories on my neck or ears, so a touch of dynamic attitude on my fingers is especially effective.
Next, I head to the first belowground floor, better known as the beauty floor. You can’t neglect your hands if you intend to make the most of your ideal fashion. Gel and artwork on your nails is certainly acceptable. But these days, for deliberate fashion, I’m in to flesh-colored nails. So, here I am, at the uka boutique.
uka’s color base coat comes in five colors that blend naturally with your skin. I love the 5/0 Sand Beige, which I think looks like an extension of your skin color. It reduces reddishness nicely and provides a minimal finish for your nails. You can also have a refreshing distraction with how the color changes as you apply one, two, and three layers.
The nail oils—spiritual healing for busy women—are also popular. The 18:30 Rose aroma takes wing and generates a moment of bliss in the face of impending deadlines. The brand also offers collaborations with fashion brands like Muveil. The creative packaging is a delight.
The nail and lip balm can go on your lips or on your fingertips. Opening the box, I spy, peeking out, a design of undeniable appeal. Such thoughtful details are very uka and refresh both body and mind. The rich texture enables you to first apply it on your lips and fingers, then rub the remaining balm onto your hands.
The boutique displays a selection of collaborations with da rosa available only until March 14. These items include Raisins au Sauternes (raisin chocolates), from which waft the scent of raisins soaked in wine made from noble rot grapes, and Pimandes (almond chocolates), with their pungent, spicy flavor. The chocolates can be paired with spirits. They’re perfect for someone like me who generally doesn’t like sweets.
If you’re in your 30s like me, you charge yourself with energy, both spiritually and materially, and don a single favorite item. You might fret about that narrow zone between the clothes you know you should wear and the clothes you want to wear. Here’s an opportunity to rush ahead and have fun with more dynamic styles that add a spark of life to your daily routine. Shopping at GINZA SIX puts me in the mood to do just that.
Text : Sakiko Fukuhara Photo : Kanako Noguchi Edit : Yuka Okada

福原 咲子
1983年生まれ。『DAZED & CONFUSED JAPAN』『NYLON JAPAN』の編集を務めた後、フリーランスエディター・プロデューサーとして活動。ファッション誌の編集のほか、ファッションブランドのカタログやシーズンビジュアルの制作ディレクションを行う。