各ジャンルに精通する個性豊かなエディターたちが、GINZA SIXをぶらぶらと

Giving Beauty a Boost While Stimulating All Five Senses at GINZA SIX, Empyrean of Beauty

安倍 佐和子


Even within Ginza itself, empyrean of beauty and trendsetting site for those of refined taste, there’s a sanctuary of special charm. It’s the beauty floor on the first underground floor of GINZA SIX, a place of not just an array of cosmetics counters. Graceful doors open to bid you enter; here, you can’t help but smile at the level of pleasant refinement. It is the people drawn equally to this quality space who constantly congregate here. Today, with the holiday season approaching, I’d like to introduce GINZA SIX, a distinctive empyrean of beauty that’s emerged in Ginza.

As you walk from the main entrance to the underground floors, a mild and pleasing fragrance rouses your olfactory sense. Drawn forward, you’ll find yourself at Guerlain, a jewel box of impeccable luxury rivaling even the brand’s Paris flagship store on Champs-Elysees and a sight to lift your spirits before you know it.

This exclusive boutique offers more than 80 types of fragrances, the largest selection in Japan. Manager Yuko Ohara, a fragrance specialist, stands by for customer consultations.

A fragrance consultation, in which you sample fragrances using ceramic, bell-shaped testers, is a unique experience that’s part fortune-telling and part discovery of your own subconscious through fragrance. The close connection between mind and smell, said to be the most primitive of the five senses, explains why delving into fragrance helps you discover something about yourself.

The free consultation requires a reservation, but the charm and interest of the experience makes it something you should try it at least once.

Through fragrance consultation with Ms. Ohara, I discovered the fragrance that’s right for me: it was Joyeuse Tubéreuse, a fragrance that belongs to Guerlain’s Exclusive Collections (75 ml, 32,000 yen).

If you’re looking for a gift for a female friend, try the name-engraving service. The engraving is done by a device found only at the GINZA SIX boutique. It’s a gift certain to delight any friend.

I also have some event news for you. On Sunday, October 22, Sylvaine Delacourte, originator of the fragrance consultation, will be visiting from Paris to give consultations. Don’t miss this chance, especially if you’re looking for a fragrance for yourself for the holiday season or a fragrance that would make a special gift.

Cleansed by such olfactory delights, let’s move on to a beauty boost through the sense of touch. Go to uka, which offers beauty salon services, nail treatments, and housewares, to treat yourself to the uka Relax Body treatment (60 min., 12,000 yen including tax).

GINZA SIX houses a number of cabins where you can get full salon treatments. Go ahead and take some time from your shopping to relax and refresh yourself aesthetically.

Tomoko Suda, an uka aesthetician, has many passionate fans. With her cheerful personality and skilled hand technique, she provides something that transcends relaxation. Do you feel swelling in your feet? Tight shoulders? Her large, eminently competent hands will leave you limber, relaxed, and refreshed.

Stepping into the treatment booth instantly blots out the noise of the world and envelopes you in quiet serenity. If you’re out shopping and have some time, even 30 minutes, head over to uka.

Whether for nails and hands, body and facial, reflexology, or other treatment, a full-service salon one can come to when weary is an essential part of this distinctive empyrean of beauty.

Giving beauty a boost based on the sense of taste is yet another distinctive appeal of GINZA SIX. Let’s now go to Shoubunsu, which I’ve previously highlighted. It’s a well-established premium store based in Fukuoka with over 300 years of experience in making vinegar by standing fermentation.

The vinegar bottles lined up neatly inside the store account for over 50 varieties, from vinegar for cooking to beverages, cider, and vinegar-based seasonings—so many it’s hard to pick just one.

As you know, vinegar is a fermented product made from things like grains and fruits. It’s said to be rich in amino acids, which are good both for beauty and health. One story even says vinegar was once a drink of the gods. Tasting the mysterious powers of fermentation feels strangely like giving your beauty a boost from inside your body.

Especially popular at Shoubunsu are vinegar beverages made from seasonal ingredients. Diluted three times with water and blended with honey, these drinks have a wonderful flavor. You may wonder about the taste of a specific vinegar; if so, not to worry. You can try samples right there at the store. The vinegar chocolate, available only here, is a must-have that often sells out. Don’t forget to check on it first thing. The original shopping bags also have a distinct charm.

GINZA SIX—it’s a refined destination and gathering place that stimulates the senses of smell, touch, and taste. When I find my own sense of beauty beginning to fade or weaken, I don’t think twice; I come here on a pilgrimage. The essential factors that keep adult women lively and shining await here to be discovered and rediscovered.

Author: Sawako Abe Photographer: Akemi Kurosaka Editor: Yuka Okada


安倍 佐和子



ラ ブティック ゲラン

※ラ ブティック ゲランは2018年3月11日(日)閉店いたしました




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