各ジャンルに精通する個性豊かなエディターたちが、GINZA SIXをぶらぶらと

Choose by Design! Walking the Jewelry Stores for a One-of-a-Kind Glitter

本間 恵子

GINZA SIX EDITORS Vol.8(Jewelry&Watch)

You’ll come across a good number of jewelry stores wandering through GINZA SIX. It’s quite the delightful place to visit if you like glitter—the second floor above all. Here, you’ll find a cluster of jewelry stores, all in close proximity.

It’s a great place for picking up, handling, and enjoying unique jewelry pieces from domestic and overseas brands. I personally call it Jewelry Row. To your left, to your right, everywhere you look, you’ll find stores that entice. So let’s start looking at one: The Showcase by DELUPIN.

The store carries a fine selection of cutting-edge European and American brands. There’s much here that captivates. For the moment, let’s focus on Samira 13, an LA-based pearl brand. Pearls are generally considered formal, but this necklace has more of a rock-and-roll vibe. The rustling of the swaying chains has a high-fashion feel.

Speaking of swaying, the Shaesby brand was set up by a former American sculptor. Its artistically formed earrings generate a feeling of expanse and have lovely sway when worn. They’re priced from 52,000 yen (excluding tax).

Surprisingly, the store also carries bags. Jewelry tends to be worn for specific occasions, like parties or dinners, so the store offers bags to match. These include a Brazilian clutch bag and fluffy faux fur bag from the UK, items found only here.

We’ll head next to Mimi, right next door. Based in Milan, this designer jewelry store features a subtly Asian interior. Known for its high-quality pearls, the brand recently expanded its focus to encompass color gemstones, a decision that adds to our delight as we take in the lovely array gathered here.

This round and voluminous ring has a special charm. You know about conch shells, right? They’re a type of spiral shell found in the Caribbean. These rings incorporate the lucent pink internal surfaces of the shell. This particular item, exclusive to GINZA SIX, carries a price tag of 500,000 yen (excluding tax).

These pieces combine lapis lazuli and blue chalcedony. They’re new to the store. The rough cut recalls the original state of the lapis lazuli; the resulting object has an undeniable presence. In a bold move, the earring colors differ from left to right. Hairstyles like the one I’m wearing today, which leave both ears visible, highlight this asymmetry and the unique presence of earrings like these.

Wandering right, wandering left… now I’m in Bijou de M, where I’m greeted by owner-designer Mio. The impulse to venture into the world of design came from her mother, also a jewelry designer. The strength of her talent launched her own brand.

What makes these motifs so appealing? The earrings, in arrays of charming flowers, animals, and insects, are sold individually, not in pairs. This means you can pair different motifs left and right—for instance, a honey bee and a daisy. Another approach is to buy one item at a time to add to your collection. The honey bee earring in the miniature size starts at 210,000 yen (excluding tax).

Another not-to-be-missed object is the brand’s iconic bunny. These cute rings, which drew immediate acclaim for their appeal, instantly propelled Bijou de M to great popularity. “I try to create jewelry that’s fun to wear,” Mio says. And it’s true; I put on the bunny, and as I gaze at it, I feel my spirits lift.

Let’s take a look at one more store. What I wanted to see at Maison de NADIA was Robinson Pelham of London. It’s still a brand known in Japan only among connoisseurs; in fact, this brand made the diamond earrings worn by Princess Catherine at her wedding.

Popular Robinson Pelham items include the adorable charms. These are really starting to draw attention, partly due to all the ways they can be worn—as pendants or bracelets or through hoop earrings, if you like. I can also recommend these to any man looking for a gift. With this perfect charm, not knowing her ring size poses no problems.

I also found these superb pieces from Scavia, the high-end Milan jeweler. The intricate design combines engraved gold with colored gemstones for breathtaking beauty befitting a brand that serves Europe’s aristocrats. The price? 4,860,000 yen (including tax)!

GINZA SIX is filled with interesting stores like this. If you’re looking for design-conscious jewelry that’s a little different from what most people wear, I’m certain you’ll find something here that’s both very you and unique, something that you’ll enjoy wearing. Find that one piece you love and treasure it for a lifetime!

Author: Keiko Honma Photographer: Hikaru Kurimoto Editor: Yuka Okada


本間 恵子



ザ・ショーケース バイ デルパン








2017.10.27 UP