各ジャンルに精通する個性豊かなエディターたちが、GINZA SIXをぶらぶらと
2018年、頑張った自分へのご褒美はGINZA SIXで You Worked Hard in 2018—Treat Yourself at GINZA SIX
尾竹 めぐみ
いよいよ2018年も残りわずか。クリスマスや年末に向けて、慌ただしさが増すこの時期だからこそ、ちょっとお疲れ気味の自分にとっておきのご褒美を見つけたい。そんなわけで、銀座エリア最大の複合施設GINZA SIXをぶら歩き。地下2階から13階まで約240店舗が揃う館内には中央の吹き抜け空間をはじめ随所にアートが配され、作品を鑑賞しながらショッピングできるのもGINZA SIXならではのはからい。
ショルダーバッグとしても使えるスモールベイズウォーター(150,000円 ※以下全て税抜価格)は、クラシカルなデザインが特徴で、普段使いからビジネス、小旅行までシーン問わず幅広く使用できるうえ、サイドのマチは手で押せば閉じ、引っ張れば元のトート型に、二つの表情を楽しむことができる。普段からモノトーンスタイルが多い私にとって最適なデザインであることに間違いないけれど、2019年は「いつもと違う自分を演出したい」ということで、今回はあえてベーシックな色やデザインを避けることに。
続いて向かったのは、同じく3階にある「See By Chloé (シーバイクロエ)」。国内最大級を誇り、レディ・トゥ・ウエアをはじめバッグ、シューズのフルラインが揃う。2019年スプリングコレクションは、さまざまなカルチャーからインスパイアされた豊かな感受性を持つ「ARTY PARTY GIRL」がテーマ。アニマル柄やノスタルジックな花柄など、あらゆるテイストを物怖じせずミックスさせることで、自由にたくましく生きる現代の女性像を反映しているかのよう。
2019年春夏のトレンドとして忘れてはいけないのがアニマルモチーフ。脱シンプルをはかるべく、ド派手な装飾や柄に注目が集まる予感。とはいえ、常にベーシックを貫く私としては派手な色や柄物に若干の抵抗があり、アニマルモチーフを取り入れるのは至難の技。そこで進められたのが、なんとゼブラ柄のジャケット(132,000円)。「ぜったい似合いますよ! 」と言われたものの、エッジの効いたデザインだけに抵抗しながらも、とりあえず試着。実際に着てみるとシックな色味で統一しているせいかモダンな雰囲気。アニマル柄はポイントで取り入れるところから始める人が多いのですが、今春は躊躇せず主役級アウターで取り入れてみるのもアリなのでは?
ラストはヨーロッパのクリエーションを集結したセレクトショップ、2階の「H.P.FRANCE BIJOUX(アッシュ・ペー・フランス ビジュー)」へ。ヨーロッパのクリエーションを追求したワンランク上のファッション性の高いジュエリーがズラリと並び、おとぎの国のようなディスプレイに目が釘付け! 入り口にはファッションジュエリーを手がけるステファノ・ポレッティによる豪華なオブジェが配置され、クリスマスムードをより一層盛り上げてくれる。
またニューヨーク・ブルックリン発のティーブランド「BELLOCQ(ベロック)」も販売されていて、今回特別に店内でいただいたのは、NO.12のLE HAMMEAU(アトリエバッグ1,900円)。
久々にGINZA SIXに訪れたものの、欲しいものがありすぎて自分へのご褒美は未だ決まらず……。あれこれゆっくり考えるのもショッピングの醍醐味! ということでまた来週末、GINZA SIXをぶら歩きしてみよう。
Text:Megumi Otake Photos:Teruo Horikoshi(TRON) Edit:Yuka Okada
2018 is just about a wrap. Heading into Christmas and New Year’s, I’m even busier than usual, so I want to treat my somewhat tired self to something special. I’m here wandering GINZA SIX, the largest commercial complex in the Ginza area. From the second belowground floor up to the 13th floor, it’s home to some 240 stores and restaurants and features a spacious atrium at the center and artwork throughout. You can appreciate art while you shop, a distinct benefit of GINZA SIX.
I feel all the stores and works of art pulling at my elbows, but my first stop is Mulberry, a renowned luxury brand and the pride of Britain, known for its high-quality leather goods. Inside the store on the third floor, there’s an extensive lineup of leather goods and apparel by Johnny Coca, the brand’s Creative Director since 2015. The prices are reasonable; many bags are between 100,000 and 200,000 yen. That being the case, I’ll primarily look at bags and small leather items.
The Small Bayswater (150,000 yen; all prices listed before tax), which also serves perfectly as a shoulder bag, is a classic design—suitable for a broad range of settings, from everyday use to business and short trips. Plus, if you push the side gussets with your hand, they close; pull them apart, and the bag returns to its original tote shape. Two form factors in one! My typical style is monotone, so this would normally be the optimal design for me; but, in 2019, I want a somewhat different me. Today I’m steering clear of basic colors and designs.
The Hampstead (172,000 yen), inspired by the 1960s, catches my eye. Reflecting the hedonistic, carefree vibe of the era, the bag has a distinctive rounded form, with the brand’s iconic Rider’s Lock in the front, and a leather drawstring. It comes in bright spring and summer colors. The name “Hampstead” points to Hampstead Heath and Britain’s famous swimming ponds and adjacent health resort. If you change your bag, it’s said, you change the impression your clothes create. I’ve always resisted this impulse. I often choose basic colors like black or beige. I realize once again that adding a beautifully colored bag broadens your range of outfit choices, perhaps even more than I’d expected. An adult woman can carry this bag with no trace of awkwardness. And the bag is roomy. I’m sure it will play a major role in coordinating my spring and summer looks.
I shouldn’t forget presents for family and friends who’ve helped me over the past year. Ordinary gifts won’t do for the special people in my life; I want to give them a stylish wallet or card holder they’ll use for years to come. The Continental Card Holder (30,000 yen each), which can also be used as a mini-wallet, is small enough to fit in a mini-bag. It’s really convenient. It would go perfectly with formal attire. I can see it carried by guests at receptions and formal parties. The crocodile embossed Continental Credit Card Slip (20,000 yen each) and other items come in various colors. You can have fun choosing the color that matches the personality of the person you’re shopping for.
I head next to See By Chloé, also on the third floor. One of the largest of the brand’s locations in Japan, it offers a full line of ready-to-wear apparel, bags, and shoes. The theme of the 2019 spring collection is Arty Party Girl—perhaps an individual with an eclectic sensibility inspired by various cultures. The collection features a bold mix of tastes, including animal prints and nostalgic floral prints, said to reflect today’s intense and independent women.
This leopard print top (39,000 yen) is designed like a floral print. It’s recommended for layering with wide pants or a medium-length skirt. It has a feminine air at first glance, but you could mark the waist with a thick belt. So, depending on the arrangement, you can create a fun, more masculine look. Just pairing it with basic bottoms would undoubtedly add luxurious flair and create perfect in-season ambiance. It would definitely be convenient.
Don’t forget that animal motifs are a trend for spring and summer 2019. I have a premonition that the prevailing spirit will slough off simplicity to embrace ostentation, ornaments, and patterns. But having said this, I’m all about basics all the time. I tend to resist loud colors and patterns. Incorporating animal prints into my style is quite the stretch. And, strangely enough, I’m recommended this zebra print jacket (132,000 yen). I’m told: “It will look great on you!” But the edgier the design, the more I dig in my heels. Still, I try it on. And when I do, I find it confers a nicely modern air, perhaps due to the chic color tones. Most people just starting out with animal prints add them in small portions. But, this spring, why not go bold with a major item like an animal print outer?
The limited-edition Christmas items are also can’t-miss. You can add the separately sold furry straps to the brand’s signature Joan bag (center) to repurpose the bag for winter. The adorably whimsical Matriochka bag (right) would look great on Instagram as well. The sporty rucksack (left), in the hands of See By Chloé, is wonderfully refined. All would make perfect Christmas gifts. They’re available only in Japan, so you may want to hurry.
Lastly, I head to H.P.France Bijoux, a European mixed-label boutique on the second floor. The displays here really catch my eye. They look like something straight out of a fairy tale, flaunting high fashion jewelry, as the boutique pursues an even higher standard for European creations. The entrance is adorned with a gorgeous art object made by Stefano Poletti, a fashion jewelry designer, which heightens my sense of Christmas cheer.
Anyone would be delighted to receive the gift of jewelry from Redline of France. Inspired by the Jerusalem red string, the brand offers delicately rendered jewelry featuring grace notes of cords, chains, and diamonds. The pieces here are charms, so you can treat yourself to good fortune or give one to a special someone as a gift. The freedom to mix and match the motifs that strike your fancy, it turns out, is whimsical fun for stylish adults.
Iosselliani, from the two-person Italian team of Roberta Paolucci and Paolo Giacomelli, is a brand I’ve admired for a long time. The weighty accessories, which draw on traditional Italian goldsmith techniques, are a cornerstone of my personal style. I regularly wear black; my tastes, you could say, are more modern than feminine, meaning larger accessories are indispensable. I especially like the fringe earrings (21,000 yen). They feature Swarovski crystal studs. You can detach the fringe part from the crystal stud for different occasions or depending on the day’s clothing, something I love.
The boutique also sells Bellocq tea from Brooklyn, New York. The tea I’m drinking here, by special permission, is No. 12 Le Hammeau (Atelier Bag; 1,900 yen).
The pleasing aroma of the herb blend establishes a luxurious, relaxing atmosphere. When it comes to treating myself to jewelry, I go back and forth and can’t decide. It would be a good idea, I think, to calm myself, then consider the optimal piece while enjoying tea and mentally reviewing the contents of my closet.
It’s the first time I’ve been to GINZA SIX in a while; there’s so much I want, and I still can’t decide what to get for myself. Taking your time to consider this and that is one of the essential charms of shopping. Thinking such thoughts, I find myself leaning toward returning next weekend to GINZA SIX to continue my wandering.
Text:Megumi Otake Photos:Teruo Horikoshi(TRON) Edit:Yuka Okada

尾竹 めぐみ
ファッション・エディター、ライター。大学卒業後、留学。帰国後、ファッション誌『オーリーガールズ』編集部に所属。2005年よりリットーミュージックに入社。ファッション&クラブカルチャー誌『ルイール』で副編集長としてイベント制作などにも力を入れる。2012年、インファスパブリケーションズに入社し、季間誌『WWD マガジン』、ファッション週刊紙『WWD ジャパン』で経験を積む。現在、フリーランスとしてファッション誌をはじめ、ウェブ媒体を中心にエディトリアルからライティングまでを手掛ける。