各ジャンルに精通する個性豊かなエディターたちが、GINZA SIXをぶらぶらと
GINZA SIX “みんなで”はしご酒 〜マッキー牧元さんを迎えた第1回「ぶらミーティング」を振り返る〜 GINZA SIX Group Barhop: Looking Back on the First Meet-and-Wander with Mackey Makimoto
2017年9月から、GINZA SIX の公式ウェブサイト上で展開中の「ぶらエディターズ」。
“銀ぶら”ならぬ“GINZA SIXぶら”に関するアイデアを、ファッションからビューティ、フードからアートまでさまざまに精通したエディターズ、すなわち編集者たちが、それぞれの視点を通して伝えることができたら、人々が館を訪れる際のイマジネーションのヒントになるんじゃなかろうか。
「銀座で働く人たちなんかが、みんなでGINZA SIXに来て、一人1万円くらいで飲んで食べてはしご酒できたら、きっと楽しいよね?」
マッキーさんが出してきたその切り口は「1万円ぽっきりでもGINZA SIXではしご酒ができちゃうんです!」というメッセージでもあって、「同じGINZA SIXでも高級店だけではなく、こんな楽しみ方もありますよ!」という、普段からグルマンが予約を取り合う人気店やミシュラン掲載店だけでなく、あくまで自らの正解を求めた食べ歩きこそよしとする、マッキーさんならではのものでもありました。
少し前置きが長くなりましたが、その様子は「GINZA SIXはしご酒」という潔いタイトルのエッセイに実に軽妙にまとめられているので、まだ読んでいただいていない方は、ぜひGINZA SIXのウェブサイトでチェックください。
そして上記をもとに企てられたのが、“食べることと飲むことが好きで、でも、酒に飲まれない人”という募集条件をクリアした「ぶらエディターズ」の読者10名がマッキーさんと巡るこちら、第1回目の「ぶらミーティング GINZA SIXはしご酒〜夢見心地〜」です(夢見心地、のくだりはマッキーさんのネーミングによります笑)。
記念すべき初回の舞台となったのはほとんどが初出店か新業態、GINZA SIXが誇るフードフロアのB2Fです。
始まりは、愛媛のみかん産業を次世代に伝えるべくジュースやゼリーやジャムと、みかんをさまざまに使った商品が並ぶ「10 FACTORY」自慢の“みかんビール”で、参加者同士が自己紹介も兼ねて乾杯!
そしてシメには“世界で最も革新的なパティシエ”とも称される「フィリップ・コンティチーニ」のイートインカウンターを貸し切って、マッキーさんが「GINZA SIXはしご酒」でも歓喜の味わいを綴った“ヴェリーヌパフェ”を誰もがたいらげ、実に3時間半に及んだノンストップのはしご酒が終了になったわけですが、大きく酔い潰れる参加者もなく、ご覧の記録動画の通り、終始愉快に会が進むなか、マッキーさんは長年の経験と取材から得た、けしてくどいウンチクではないちょっとした小話で、場を盛り上げていました。
(「10 FACTORY」でのマッキーさん自らの自己紹介にあたり)
岡田 有加
第1回ぶらミーティング メニューはこちら
岡田 有加
編集者。1974年生まれ。早稲田大学第一文学部文芸専修卒業。在学中より「anan」(マガジンハウス)編集部で学ぶ。その後、編集者の石川次郎氏に師事。2003年に独立後は各種雑誌や書籍の企画編集をはじめ、エッセイ執筆、オンラインメディアやTVプログラムのディレクション、ラグジュアリーブランドや各界クリエイターとのプロジェクトプロデュースなど、メディアやジャンルの垣根を越えて活動。近年の編著にいずれも川村元気氏の対話集「仕事。」(集英社)、「理系に学ぶ。」(ダイヤモンド社)他。現在「GINZA SIX magazine」の編集長も担う。
The GINZA SIX EDITORS series has appeared on the official GINZA SIX website since September 2017. Our conception was to set various editors, bringing expert knowledge in fields ranging from fashion to beauty to food to art, wandering about GINZA SIX in a manner recalling the traditional Ginza stroll. Based on their respective perspectives, they would pass on their thoughts and observations in ways intended to spur the imagination of those visiting GINZA SIX.
This was the goal when the project got underway. The 23rd editor to make an appearance is the eminent Mackey Makimoto, a foodie highly respected among food writers and self-proclaimed Tabearukist (walk-and-eat tourist), who says he eats out 600 times a year.
“Say a group of people working in Ginza dropped by GINZA SIX to barhop and eat and drink, with each person spending around 10,000 yen. Wouldn’t that be fun?”
Mackey’s idea is that one can barhop at and enjoy GINZA SIX on just 10,000yen and that GINZA SIX isn’t just about luxury stores. It’s perfectly OK to wander and eat at places where you feel comfortable, this idea proclaims, not just at Michelin-starred establishments or popular restaurants where food lovers fight for reservations.
This introduction has gone on for longer than intended. In any case, Mackey’s idea is taken for a spin, so to speak, in a witty essay with the plainspoken title “Barhopping at GINZA SIX.” If you have yet to read it, I encourage you to visit the GINZA SIX website to check it out.
What we came up with next, based on the above, was the first Meet-and-Wander GINZA SIX Barhop: The Dreamy Edition. Ten readers of GINZA SIX EDITORS who met the double requirement of enjoying food and drink and being perfectly capable of holding their liquor were chosen to go around and barhop with Mackey himself. (On a humorous note, “Dreamy” was Mackey’s idea.)
The stage for this first memorable meeting to be was the second belowground floor, the Food Floor. It’s the pride of GINZA SIX and an area where almost all eateries are first-time establishments or established names presented in novel formats.
We begin at 10FACTORY, which offers juices, jellies, jams, and other products made from mikan oranges harvested in Ehime Prefecture. 10FACTORY seeks to promote Ehime’s mikan industry to a new generation, especially through its vaunted Mikan Beer. “Cheers!” we all say, as everyone introduces themselves.
The next stop is Imadeya, a liquor store with a choice selection of Japanese sake and wines. At a stand-and-drink bar in one corner of the store, one of Mackey’s favorite places, you can casually order Japanese sake and wine by the glass. “I drink sake with dinner every night, 365 days a year,” says renowned store manager Shohei Okawa. We enjoy two varieties of sake he carefully chooses to serve, along with a snack of dried firefly squid from Tsuriya, a preserved seafood brand from a fish wholesaler based in Himi, Toyama Prefecture.
At the Enoteca wine shop, our next stop, we enjoy our fill of 15 types of snacks from the stores and eateries on the second belowground floor, all scrupulously scoped out beforehand and selected by Mackey. We enjoy four varieties of wine carefully selected by Nobue Akasaka, Enoteca’s female sommelier. In place of dessert wine, we drink a sake-based lemon liqueur made with Ikuchishima lemons, Japan’s leading lemon by production volume. This liqueur is an original from Heisuiken, a gourmet grocer based in Kurashiki, Okayama Prefecture, who gathers gourmet items from around Japan. All participants are truly in a dreamy state of mind by the time we leave.
To top off the evening, we take over the eat-in counter at PHILIPPE CONTICINI, the namesake of the man known by many as the world’s most innovative pastry chef. Everyone partakes of the Verinne Parfait—its blissful flavors previously extolled by Mackey in “Barhopping in GINZA SIX”—and the three-and-a-half-hour nonstop barhop comes to an end. None of the participants are, as the saying goes, visibly three sheets to the wind, and as you can see in the video, the outing is remarkably pleasant from beginning to end, enlivened by Mackey’s amusing anecdotes, drawn from his many years of experience and reportage.
For example…
“I do eat out 600 times a year, but there are other specialists out there as far as bread, ramen, and sweets go. They’re not in my wheelhouse. [laughter]”
(Mackey introducing himself at 10FACTORY)
“The vessel you drink from changes how sake tastes. Try trading with the person next to you and comparing.”
(To participants trying sake in different types of vessels at the bar inside Imadeya)
“Jingoro sells rice crackers in various unique flavors like cilantro and curry, but their cheddar cheese rice crackers, I’m told, require the most in the way of technique. That’s because, unlike the other ingredients, the cheese has to be kneaded rather than blended in. [When eating canapé with cream cheese on a black sesame rice cracker] You feel the full texture on your bottom teeth. Flip the canapé over and it tastes different!”
(On the snacks provided at Wine Shop Enoteca)
“Don’t mix anything. I want you to eat everything in the right order, starting from the top. This parfait unfolds like a symphony, from prelude to climax to coda.”
(On the parfait at PHILIPPE CONTICINI)
That’s the gist of it. Basically, when you’re eating and drinking with Mackey, the flavors combine with his charismatic presence to make everything twice as good. His desire to communicate how best to enjoy food and drink to those he happens to be with for this particular meal is in distinct contrast to the rather ordinary pursuit of gastronomy. Once again, we recall the reasons for valuing our daily gatherings with family, partners, friends, and colleagues.
Some people are just fun to eat and drink with. At the upcoming second Meet-and-Wander, we’ve added that participation requirement. We sincerely look forward to receiving your application!
Yuka Okada
Editorial planning for the GINZA SIX EDITORS
The menu for the first Meet-and-Wander can be found here.
Yuka Okada
Editor. Born in 1974. Graduated from Waseda University’s School of Humanities and Social Sciences with a degree in literature. Interned in the editorial department of anan (Magazine House) while enrolled, then apprenticed under editor Jiro Ishikawa. Began freelancing in 2003. Her activities tend to transcend media and genre boundaries and include essays, online media and TV program direction, and project production with luxury brands and creators in various industries. She’s the editor of several recent books, including Work (Shueisha) and Learning from Science & Tech. Majors (Diamond), both of which are dialogues with Genki Kawamura. Currently serves as editor-in-chief of GINZA SIX magazine.